workers repairing storm damaged roof

Six Surprising Ways Storms Damage Commercial Roofs

Maintaining a commercial roof is crucial for the longevity and safety of any building. 

It protects against the elements, contributes to energy efficiency, and ensures the overall structural integrity of the property. 

However, the wrath of Mother Nature can sometimes be underestimated, especially when storms hit. 

Beyond the obvious threats of rain and wind, storms can inflict damage on commercial roofs in ways that are often surprising and overlooked. 

In this blog, we delve into six unexpected ways storms can wreak havoc on commercial roofing systems. 

From hidden water damage to the less-considered impact of lightning, understanding these potential issues is vital for property owners and managers. 

We’ll also touch on the importance of timely storm damage roof assessments, emergency roof repairs, and routine commercial roof repairs to mitigate these risks. 

Join us as we uncover the nuances of storm-induced challenges and how to effectively combat them to maintain the integrity of your commercial roof.

#1: Water Damage Beyond Leaks

Storms can inflict water damage on commercial roofs in ways that go far beyond simple leaks. 

When a storm hits, the immediate concern might be the water that finds its way through cracks or openings, but the repercussions extend much deeper. 

Hidden water damage can manifest as mold growth within the roofing system and the building itself, posing health risks and degrading air quality. 

Moreover, this moisture can seep into the structural components of the building, leading to weakening and, over time, significant structural damage. 

These issues emphasize the importance of addressing storm damage to roofs promptly and thoroughly, highlighting the necessity for professional commercial roof repairs. 

Ignoring these warning signs can lead to costly repairs down the line, underscoring the critical role of maintenance and timely interventions in preserving the integrity of commercial properties.

#2  Wind Damage and Its Unseen Effects

High winds, a common element of storms, can wreak havoc on commercial roofs in ways that are not always immediately visible. 

While the most obvious damage might be the removal of roofing materials, the unseen effects can be equally, if not more, detrimental. 

Wind can create stress points on a roof that, over time, weaken its overall structure and integrity. 

These vulnerabilities may not lead to immediate leaks but can significantly shorten the lifespan of the roof and lead to costly repairs or replacements down the line.

Moreover, the wind doesn’t just affect the roof’s surface; it can also impact the building’s structural integrity. 

Strong winds can cause a lifting effect, where the pressure difference between the inside and outside of a building can lift the roof. 

This phenomenon, if not addressed with emergency roof repairs, can lead to catastrophic failures, especially during subsequent storms.

Addressing wind damage requires a comprehensive approach, including prompt commercial roof repairs to fix any immediate damage and thorough inspections to identify and mitigate less visible weaknesses. 

This proactive approach ensures the longevity of the roof and the safety of the building’s occupants, highlighting the importance of specialized knowledge and experience in storm damage repair.

#3 Hail Damage: More Than Cosmetic Issues 

Hail can significantly impact commercial roofs, going far beyond mere cosmetic damage

The force of hailstones can bruise or puncture the roofing membrane, leading to leaks and water damage over time. 

Additionally, hail can dislodge granules from asphalt shingles, reducing their effectiveness in protecting against UV rays and shortening the roof’s lifespan. 

Identifying hail damage involves looking for dents, cracks, or missing pieces on the roofing surface, as well as checking for water stains or leaks inside the building following a storm. 

Addressing hail damage promptly through commercial roof repairs is crucial to prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems, underscoring the importance of a thorough inspection by professionals experienced in storm damage roof assessment and repair.

#4 Debris and Its Consequences 

Storm-tossed debris, ranging from tree branches to construction materials, can pose significant risks to commercial roofs. 

This debris can cause immediate damage upon impact, such as punctures or tears in the roofing material, leading to leaks and water infiltration.

Additionally, debris accumulation can block drainage systems, causing water to pool on the roof and potentially leading to structural weakening and increased load during future storms.

The importance of post-storm inspections cannot be overstated. 

Such assessments help identify not only the obvious damages but also the subtler, potentially more harmful effects debris can have on the roof’s integrity. 

Inspections should be thorough, examining for hidden damages beneath the debris and within the roofing system itself.

Prompt emergency roof repairs become essential after identifying damage. 

Clearing debris, repairing the impacted areas, and ensuring the drainage systems are free-flowing are critical steps to restore the roof’s functionality and protect the building from further harm. 

Neglecting these steps can escalate minor issues into major, costly repairs, highlighting the need for immediate and professional attention following any storm that brings significant debris.

#5: The Hidden Threat of Lightning 

Lightning poses a hidden but serious threat to commercial roofs, with the potential to cause fire or significant electrical damage. 

A lightning strike can instantly heat roofing materials, risking fire, or it can disrupt electrical systems running through the building, leading to further hazards. 

To mitigate these risks, buildings in lightning-prone areas should be equipped with lightning protection systems, such as conductors and grounding rods, to safely direct the electrical charge away from the structure.

Regular maintenance and inspections also play a crucial role in lightning damage prevention. 

Ensuring that the roof and its components are in good condition can minimize the risk of fire. 

In the event of a lightning strike, immediate emergency roof repairs and electrical system checks are essential to assess and fix any damage, ensuring the building’s safety and integrity. 

Proactive measures and prompt response are key in protecting commercial roofs from the unpredictable nature of lightning.

#6 The Weight of Snow and Ice  

The accumulation of snow and ice on commercial roofs can pose a significant threat, especially in colder climates. 

The sheer weight of snow and ice can strain the structural integrity of a roof, leading to potential collapse if not properly managed. 

Furthermore, ice dams can form at the roof’s edges, preventing melting snow from draining and causing water to back up under roofing materials, leading to leaks and water damage.

To prevent such issues, it’s crucial to implement regular maintenance and snow removal plans. 

This includes keeping drainage systems clear of ice and debris to allow proper water flow and employing professional snow removal services to safely reduce the weight load on the roof. 

Additionally, inspecting the roof for signs of wear and damage before the winter season can help identify areas that may need commercial roof repairs or reinforcements to withstand the weight of snow and ice, ensuring the roof’s longevity and safety.

Futureproofing Your Roof: The IPP Advantage

Storms can inflict unexpected and severe damage on commercial roofs in surprising ways: water damage beyond leaks, the unseen effects of wind damage, the long-term issues caused by hail, the consequences of storm-tossed debris, the hidden threat of lightning, and the weight of snow and ice. 

These elements underscore the critical importance of regular maintenance and professional inspections to identify and address damages promptly, ensuring the roof’s integrity and longevity.

Neglecting these steps can lead to significant, costly repairs down the line. 

To safeguard your commercial roof against the unpredictable forces of nature, consider IPP’s advanced restoration systems. 

Our solutions are designed to enhance the durability and performance of your roofing system, extending its lifespan and offering peace of mind through the toughest weather conditions.

Contact IPP today to learn more about how our restoration systems can protect your commercial roof from storm damage and keep your property secure.