IPP Commercial Roof Restoration Systems

When it comes to your building, the choice of commercial roof type isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s a decision that can significantly affect efficiency and durability. 

The right commercial roof type goes beyond the surface, impacting your building’s long-term performance. 

In this guide, we’ll delve into various roofing options, their benefits, pros, and cons, helping you make informed choices tailored to your specific needs.

Why Your Roof Type Matters

Selecting the appropriate roofing type is pivotal. 

It directly influences factors such as energy efficiency, maintenance costs, and overall sustainability. 

Your roof type can act as a shield against weather elements while also contributing to the building’s insulation. 

Moreover, it’s a choice that impacts the financial aspects of your property, from initial costs to long-term savings.

What to Expect in This Guide

As we navigate through this guide, we’ll explore an array of roofing types commonly used in commercial settings. 

From the traditional to the innovative, we’ll unravel the benefits, pros, and cons of each option. 

By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the roofing landscape, empowering you to make decisions that align with your building’s objectives.

Built-Up (BUR) Roofing Systems

Built-Up Roofing (BUR) systems, also known as “tar and gravel” roofs, are constructed with layers of roofing felt and bitumen. 

These layers are applied in alternating patterns, creating a durable and watertight seal. A top layer of gravel or a reflective coating offers protection against the elements.

A Durable Option

One of the key advantages of BUR systems lies in their durability. 

The multiple layers provide enhanced protection against water infiltration, UV rays, and mechanical damage. 

This durability contributes to the extended lifespan of the roof, making BUR systems a popular choice for commercial buildings.

Further Benefits

Fire resistance is another standout feature of BUR systems, as the multiple layers of bitumen act as a natural fire retardant. Additionally, these roofs require relatively straightforward maintenance. Repairs can often be localized, minimizing disruptions and costs.

Potential Drawbacks

While BUR systems offer a range of benefits, installation can be more complex compared to some other roofing types. 

The process involves the precise layering of materials, which requires skilled labor. 

Moreover, the additional layers can contribute to the overall weight of the roof, which should be evaluated against the building’s structural capacity.

Built-Up Roofing systems present a robust option with a proven track record, although the installation intricacies and weight considerations should be weighed against their benefits for your specific project.

Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing

Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) roofing is a single-ply membrane made from a blend of rubber and plastic. 

It’s characterized by its thermoplastic properties, which means it can be softened by heat and re-solidify upon cooling. 

This flexibility aids in installation and offers benefits during temperature changes.

Energy-Efficient Benefits 

TPO roofing’s reflective surface helps in keeping buildings cooler by reflecting sunlight and reducing heat absorption. 

This leads to improved energy efficiency as air conditioning needs are reduced. 

Additionally, TPO’s white surface minimizes the urban heat island effect, benefiting the environment.

Easy Installation and Chemical Resistance

Ease of installation is a notable advantage of TPO roofing. 

The sheets can be installed efficiently, often using heat welding. 

TPO’s resistance to various chemicals makes it a reliable choice for commercial settings, where exposure to pollutants or industrial emissions may occur.

Potential Drawbacks of TPO

While TPO roofing offers various advantages, potential shrinkage is a concern to consider. 

As the material ages, it might experience slight contraction, potentially affecting the integrity of seams. 

Additionally, TPO’s long-term durability can vary based on the quality of the material and installation.

Thermoplastic Polyolefin roofing provides energy efficiency, ease of installation, and resistance to chemicals. 

However, potential shrinkage and long-term durability should be evaluated against the benefits for your specific project.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing encompasses a range of material options, including steel, aluminum, and even copper. 

Each material brings its own set of properties, allowing you to choose based on durability, appearance, and budget considerations.

Durable and Recyclable 

Metal roofs are renowned for their exceptional longevity. 

They can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, and strong winds.

The durability extends to their resistance against corrosion and rot. 

Furthermore, metal roofing materials are highly recyclable, contributing to sustainability efforts.

Fire Resistance and Low Maintenance

Metal roofs provide inherent fire resistance, offering an extra layer of protection for your property. 

Additionally, their smooth surface makes it challenging for debris to accumulate, translating to low maintenance requirements. 

Routine inspections and occasional cleaning suffice to keep them in top condition.

Initial Investment and Noise Considerations

While metal roofing offers longevity, the initial cost can be higher compared to other roofing options. 

Moreover, the sound of rain hitting a metal roof can be perceived as noisy by some occupants. However, with proper insulation and underlayment, this noise can be minimized.

Metal roofing’s durability, fire resistance, and recyclability make it a compelling choice for long-term investment. 

However, it’s essential to weigh the initial cost and potential noise against the benefits for your specific project.

Modified Bitumen Roofing(Mod Bit)

Modified Bitumen roofing, often referred to as “mod bit,” combines asphalt with modifiers like rubber or plastic. 

The result is a multi-layered membrane that offers flexibility and durability. These layers are typically heat-welded together for a secure seal.

Serious Durability and UV Resistance

One of the standout features of mod bit roofing is its enhanced durability. 

The rubber or plastic modifiers enhance the membrane’s resistance to weather elements, including UV rays. 

This durability contributes to an extended lifespan for the roof.

Easy Repairs and Maintenance

Mod-bit roofing allows for relatively easy repairs. 

In the event of damage, sections of the membrane can be replaced or patched, minimizing disruptions and costs. 

Additionally, routine maintenance involves inspections for potential cracks or wear.

Drawbacks: Vulnerable to Punctures and Aesthetics

While mod bit roofing offers several advantages, it can be more vulnerable to punctures than some other roofing types.

Care should be taken during installation and maintenance to avoid damaging the membrane. 

Additionally, the appearance of mod bit roofing might not be as visually appealing as other options.

Modified Bitumen roofing’s durability and easy maintenance make it a solid choice for many commercial applications. 

However, vulnerability to punctures and aesthetic considerations should be weighed against its benefits for your specific project.

EPDM Roofing

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) roofing is composed of synthetic rubber, often available in large sheets. 

This flexible material offers excellent waterproofing capabilities and adapts well to various roof shapes and sizes.

Durability and Weather Resistance

EPDM roofing’s exceptional durability makes it a popular choice for commercial buildings. 

It can withstand extreme temperatures, UV rays, and weather fluctuations without deteriorating. 

This longevity contributes to an extended roof lifespan.

Easy Installation and Cost-Effectiveness

EPDM roofing is relatively easy to install, often adhered or mechanically fastened to the roof substrate. 

Its lightweight nature simplifies the installation process. 

Additionally, EPDM’s cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious projects.

Drawbacks: Seam Vulnerability and Puncture Susceptibility

While EPDM roofing offers numerous benefits, its seams can be vulnerable to coming apart over time. 

Proper installation and maintenance are crucial to ensure seam integrity. 

Moreover, while durable, EPDM can be susceptible to punctures from sharp objects.

EPDM roofing’s durability, easy installation, and budget-friendliness make it a favorable choice for many commercial projects. 

However, potential seam concerns and susceptibility to punctures should be considered against the benefits for your specific project.

Green/Vegetative Roofing

Green roofing encompasses two main types: intensive and extensive. 

Intensive systems involve thicker soil and support a wider variety of plants, creating rooftop gardens.

Extensive systems are lighter, featuring shallow soil and low-maintenance vegetation like sedums.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Benefits

Green roofs offer significant energy efficiency by reducing heat absorption and providing natural insulation, which helps fight the Urban Heat Island Effect.

They contribute to environmental well-being by absorbing rainwater, reducing stormwater runoff, and providing habitat for birds and insects.

Improved Air Quality and Extended Roof Lifespan

Green roofing enhances air quality by capturing pollutants and releasing oxygen. 

This contributes to healthier indoor and outdoor environments. 

Additionally, the vegetation acts as a protective barrier, shielding the roofing membrane from UV rays and weather, ultimately extending its lifespan.

Installation Cost and Maintenance Considerations

While green roofs provide substantial benefits, their initial installation cost can be higher compared to traditional roofing systems. 

Maintenance demands include regular watering, weeding, and potential replacement of plants. Proper planning and routine care are vital.

Green roofing’s energy efficiency, environmental contributions, and enhanced longevity make it an appealing choice. 

However, it’s essential to weigh the higher installation cost and maintenance requirements against the benefits for your specific project.

Fluid-Applied Restoration Systems

Fluid-Applied Restoration Systems involve the application of liquid coatings, forming a seamless protective layer over the existing roof. 

These coatings can be made from various materials, including acrylics, silicones, or polyurethanes, offering flexibility and adaptability.

Seamless Protection and Reflective Properties

The seamless nature of fluid-applied coatings eliminates vulnerable points where leaks could occur. 

These coatings often possess reflective properties that aid in reducing heat absorption, contributing to energy efficiency and interior comfort.

Cost-Effectiveness and Extended Roof Life

Fluid-applied restoration systems provide a cost-effective alternative to complete roof replacement. 

By extending the life of the existing roof, they postpone the need for a costly overhaul. The protective layer also shields the roof from weather elements, prolonging its longevity.

Benefits Come With Professional Application

While fluid-applied systems offer numerous benefits, it’s worth noting their potential pitfalls are minimal when applied by experienced professionals. 

These systems serve as a valuable solution to rejuvenate aging roofs, extend their lifespan, and provide seamless protection for your investment.

Every Commercial Roof Type Has Its Perks!

Comparing the different roofing types, it’s evident that each offers distinct advantages.

Built-Up Roofing provides durability, while Thermoplastic Polyolefin offers energy efficiency. 

Metal Roofing excels in longevity, and EPDM roofing provides flexibility. 

Green roofing promotes sustainability, and Fluid-Applied Restoration Systems offer seamless protection.

Importance of Selecting the Right Commercial Roof Type

Selecting the appropriate roof type is a crucial decision that affects the efficiency, longevity, and overall well-being of your commercial property. 

It’s a choice that extends beyond aesthetics to encompass practicality, energy efficiency, and budget considerations.

Investing in the IPP Silicone Roof Restoration System

As you navigate the choices for your commercial roof, remember that IPP’s Silicone Roof Restoration System offers a powerful solution to extend your roof’s lifespan and enhance its performance.

Our cutting-edge system is tailor-made for outstanding performance within commercial environments. 

Formulated with silicone as its core component, it exhibits remarkable UV resistance, steadfast adhesion even during ponding water scenarios, and exceptional endurance against the harshest weather extremes.

Quick curing and suitability for application in colder temperatures guarantee a swift installation process.

Moreover, its moisture-cured nature enables compatibility across diverse humidity levels. 

Furthermore, our system’s remarkable one-coat application not only reduces inconveniences to occupants but also streamlines the installation process.

With our expertise and commitment to quality, we invite you to further explore how our system can safeguard your investment in the long run. 

Make a proactive choice today for a secure tomorrow: https://instacoat.com/our-systems/silicone-roof-restoration-system/