Over 100 Practical Tips to Keep Your Facilities Safe & Efficient
Fully Illustrated With Real World Examples of Dangerous Damages
3 Printable Roof Maintenance Logs to Inspection a Breeze
Decades of Insider Knowledge
Condensed Into 28 Pages!
We Noticed a Huge Problem in Our Industry...
So We Addressed It!
After decades in the roof restoration industry, we found ourselves constantly asking one question:
Why do building owners and property managers face such costly problems that could have been easily avoided with regular maintenance?
After asking countless building owners & property managers, we realized the answer is incredibly simple:
Most building owners and property managers simply do not know how to implement an effective and proactive roof maintenance plan.
Instantly, we knew we needed to create a practical e-book that teaches people how to actually implement a simple yet proven roof maintenance plan. So that’s what we created:
A 100% free, intensively practical maintenance guide that teaches people how to implement a maintenance plan that actually saves money!