The steps for roof restoration can vary based on the system and the conditions of the roof.
In addition, the property maintenance program, the application guidelines, and the manufacturer warranty you choose also play a fundamental role.
With that being said, roof restoration and maintenance work hand in hand when it comes to protecting your roof against extreme weather conditions.
The typical commercial roof lasts about 20-25 years if properly maintained.
However, with our roof restoration steps, you can increase that lifespan by an additional 15 to 25 years or more.
Based on our expertise, you will find some essential steps for roof restoration below:
1. Infrared Survey
This is a way to see the current roofing conditions.
You should be on the lookout for insulation areas, trapped moisture, and roof damages across a wide area.
Pro Tip: Use a thermal camera.
2. Roof Damages
Ensure that, on average, the part of the roof that is damaged does not cover more than 25%. At least 75% of your roof should be in good condition.
To discover the most common causes of roof damages, click here.
3. Power Washing
It is essential to clean the roof surface thoroughly.
You have to be aware of debris, dirt, tools, branches, or any other objects that can affect the adhesion of the restoration system.
Cleaning the surface will always be one of the most critical steps for roof restoration.
4. Roof Repair & Preparation
Reinforce the hatches, existing seams, and penetrations across the roof.
Ask for the IPP Neoprene Liquid Rubber trowel grade for this step.
5. Restoration System
All of our restoration systems can be sprayed, rolled, or manually applied.
Our monolithic and seamless membranes will leave a smooth surface with waterproofing protection properties.
6. Warranty Policy
Once the restoration system completes the adhesion test, the building owner or property manager will receive the warranty policy.
In general, the most common steps for roof restoration are the ones that we described above.
However, as we mentioned before, every roofing contractor and roofing company will have its own procedures.
Consequently, it is essential to understand all the solutions available to you for your roof’s current conditions.
Do not overspend on your roof issues.