The reasons to restore a commercial roof are interchangeable. 

However, the total cost of a complete roof replacement can be very expensive and time-consuming.

With that being said, a commercial roof restoration will save you time, money and might be the optimal solution for your roof damages.

In this article, you will discover 5 reasons to restore a commercial roof.

Ride on!

1. Needs Reflectivity

It protects your roofing membrane by reflecting the harmful UV rays that can increase the heat, causing thermal shock effects.

2. Tight Budget

A commercial roof restoration will cost 2 to 3 times less than a total replacement. 

You will save money on labor and materials costs, particularly if the roof has to be removed.

3. Energy Savings

By reducing heat transfer into the building, you will reduce air-conditioning costs. 

According to the California Energy Commission (CEC), you can save up to 20% on the electricity bills by restoring a commercial roof.

Reasons to Restore a Commercial Roof

You can ask for different warranty programs, adding decades of life.

4. Adds Waterproofing Protection

Thanks to its seamless monolithic membrane, your roof will have an extra layer of protection with waterproofing benefits.

In other words, you will be free of roofing leaks.

To discover the most common causes of roof leaks, click here.

5. Extends the Lifespan

You can ask for different warranty programs, adding decades of life.

They typically start in between 10 to 15 years of life, but you can ask for up to 25 or more years.


A commercial roof restoration is a great idea, and it could be the optimal solution if your roof is suitable. 

However, it is going to be critical to identify the best moment for a roof restoration.

Do not wait until it is too late and call us to schedule a roofing inspection.

Instacoat Premium Products have the best solutions for your building and your budget. 

Contact us today!